Because I don't think humans should be subjected to poor diets.

I believe everyone wants to be healthy and happy with their bodies, but nobody knows how.  There's so much conflicting advice out there, that many people just give up on figuring it out. That's where I come in. At The Reverse Vegan,  My mission is to promote awareness of the truth about nutrition based on real science, so that people can live longer, healthier lives.  I want you to question your long-held assumptions about human health, start over with an open mind, and find out for yourself what the facts really show.

Friday, October 14, 2011

How to lose weight and be healthy

Here are some simple rules to get you started with your journey to better health!

- Eliminate gluten grains from your diet.

That includes breads, pastas, and pastries; usually anything labeled "whole grain" you should avoid.

(Wheat, rye, barley, etc.)

For carbohydrates, focus on root tubers, such as potatoes and yams. White rice is also acceptable, just don't go overboard with it.

-Eliminate vegetable oils rich in omega-6

That includes soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil, sesame oil.

Cook with animal fats such as lard or tallow, Coconut oil, and organic butter.

-Reduce sugar intake and eliminate caloric drinks.  

No candy, Soda, Sports drinks, or juices.  Stick to drinking water, tea, coffee or milk; don't overdue it on the milk unless you are trying to gain muscle.  

Also cut down on fruits. If you are trying to lose weight, limit fruit intake to 1 serving per day.

- Get plenty of sleep and exercise

Everyone knows how important it is to get enough sleep, but did you also know that studies show getting more sleep can help you lose fat? Plenty of rest is essential for weight loss. Never cut corners on sleep. 

Try to exercise at least 2-3 times a week.  Interval training, strength training, resistance training, dancing, jogging, long walks; anything to get your heart pumping! 

- Skip a meal once in a while!

You don't need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with snacks in between all the time.  Give your body a break!  Try skipping a meal every now and then.  Intermittent fasting is your best friend.

-Focus meats

Beef, Lamb, Goat, Bison, Pork, Chicken, and Turkey.  Beef and Lamb have priority over all other meats. 

Seafood is okay.  Just focus on the whole fish. Sardines, anchovies etc.  

-Eat eggs!  

Aim for at least 4 eggs a day. Not only are they rich in healthy fats, they are also a great source of Choline, and Vitamin B12; essential nutrients that promote brain function and a healthy body.  

I would also recommend looking at a weight loss calculator to show the calorie restrictions you would need to reach your weight loss goal.  Counting calories is not everything, but it can definitely help those of us who need a little extra help to get the numbers on the scale moving.    If you are trying your best to stick to a certain number of calories per day, and it becomes difficult to handle, don't stress about it.  If you must eat, focus on protein with enough fat to keep you from being painfully hungry. 


*Announcement* All of these recommendations are  mainly based off of the book "The Perfect Health Diet" I modified the ratios  to help my family members lose weight. 

Thank you.

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