Because I don't think humans should be subjected to poor diets.

I believe everyone wants to be healthy and happy with their bodies, but nobody knows how.  There's so much conflicting advice out there, that many people just give up on figuring it out. That's where I come in. At The Reverse Vegan,  My mission is to promote awareness of the truth about nutrition based on real science, so that people can live longer, healthier lives.  I want you to question your long-held assumptions about human health, start over with an open mind, and find out for yourself what the facts really show.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vegetable Oils: Bad Fats

Vegetable oils are widely promoted as a healthful substitute for “Artery clogging saturated fat,” but in reality, vegetable oils are one of the worst things you can possibly eat. I wont even call them a food, they're more of an industrial product that is only technically edible.

The problem with vegetable oils is they're unstable. In fact, most of the vegetable oils displayed on the shelf are rancid before you even buy them. Vegetable oils are mainly polyunsaturated fats, which means they have 2 or more bonds that are not saturated with hydrogen. This leaves them especially vulnerable to oxidation, when free oxygen molecules bind with them causing damage. This is also called lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is the number one cause of the production of Advanced Glycation Endproducts, which are believed to cause aging, aging-related deterioration, and cancer.

One of the important functions of antioxidant-vitamins E and C is to help prevent the oxidation caused by unstable polyunsaturated fats. The more polyunsaturated fat you eat, the more of these vitamins you need in order to be healthy. Lots of people eat diets that are high in vegetable oils but lacking in vitamins, so what you end up with is depleted, low levels of vitamins E and C.   This will leave you vulnerable to further damage from oxidation and chronic systemic inflammation. (When cells throughout your whole body are constantly stressed).  You may even accelerate the aging of the skin by using them as a lotion.  And most lotions do use vegetable oils in their products.

Saturated fat on the other hand is stable and contains no unsaturated bonds. Leaving it immune to oxidation, and therefore relatively harmless. Which type of fat would you want to have in your body? The fats you eat are a structural material, that are used in every tissue of your body in every cell. Do you really want to be made of rancid vegetable oil?

Have you ever seriously looked at a soybean or a kernel of corn? Where does the oil come from to make those massive jugs of soybean and corn oil at the supermarket? They're chemically extracted by industrial solvents. You could not possibly eat any significant amount of these oils without heavy industrial processing. How can that be healthier for us, then animal fat or butter? How would natural selection favor that? We didn't survive over millions of years, to be intolerant of saturated fat. If that were the case, we wouldn't be here today.

At this point, you may be asking yourself, sure, this all sounds reasonable, but how come so many people have been saying saturated fat is unhealthy for so long? Simple answer is, vegetarian propaganda. Vegetarianism has become fashionable in the last few decades with misguided people who think they know everything.

Fifty years ago, researchers began to speculate that saturated fat was the cause of the “diseases of civilization.” And because saturated fat is found most commonly in animal products, the vegetarian agenda was quick to jump on the anti-saturated-fat bandwagon, and ever since then, researchers have been grasping at straws to support this hypothesis. It was formally adopted by the government not because there was any evidence for it, but because somebody wanted to make a name for himself, and instead of looking at the facts, they just went with the fashionable new theory at the time and based policy on it.

Everyone is replacing healthy butter and animal fat with these industrial oils now, and for no scientific reason. Vegetable oils are in everything; from prepared foods, to virtually every restaurant. The only way to avoid them is to prepare all of your own food from scratch, using whole food ingredients. I urge you strongly to replace everything you have now, with real butter and animal fat. In my next post, I will give you more alternatives to vegetable oils, and the reasons why they are more beneficial.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Paleolithic Principle

The core principle for a true understanding of health is called the paleolithic principle. Humans have been around in more or less the same form for millions of years. Biologically speaking, we are pretty much the same animals that we were two or three million years ago. The paleolithic principle of nutrition is the notion that, by studying the history of human evolutionary biology, we can learn what the ideal foods are for humans.

The invention of agriculture, and with it the dawn of modern civilization, occurred about 10,000 years ago, a length of time that constitutes a tiny blip on the human time-line. The industrial revolution occurred even more recently, a mere couple of centuries ago. Yet our typical diet has changed radically in this time, and is now full of “foods” that would have been unrecognizable as such during the first several million years of our existence.

Evolution takes a lot of time; much more than 10,000 years. So it follows that we have not had time to properly adapt to these new foods. As hunter-gatherers, we relied heavily on meat, including fish, poultry, wild pigs, and especially large ruminants such as the ancestors of modern cows, sheep, and bison. Does it make any sense that humans would have evolved so that saturated fat is harmful to our health, when it was the only type of fat in our diet for millions of years? Natural selection does not work like that.  

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Big Bang

Disclaimer: I chose the name The Reverse Vegan because it expresses the philosophy of my diet.  However, I am not a strict reverse vegan; I include some plant based foods for flavor and variety.  But make no mistake: when I'm broke, and have to make sacrifices, plants are the first thing to go.

I'm going to start by saying, that most of what people think they know about nutrition is wrong. The conventional wisdom about nutrition is based on ideas that are 50 years old, and were not supported by science 50 years ago, let alone today. It may surprise you to learn that, despite what you've heard in the media and school health class for years, there's actually no scientific evidence that supports any link between saturated fat and heart disease, or any other illness. Most of the studies that claim to show that saturated fat is harmful, they're really only claiming correlation, which is close to meaningless.
There's a close correlation between my age and the price of gas, both gone up steadily my whole life, but that doesn't mean they have a single thing to do with each other.

In order to be scientifically meaningful, a study should establish a causal relationship. And how many studies have ever found a causal relationship between saturated fat and any health problem, with all other factors being equal? Not a single one.

The story of how saturated fat came to be the villain of modern nutrition is a long one, but the important thing to know is that it has more to do with politics than it does with science. For the whole story, check out Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes.

Due to the villainization of saturated fat, people have been forced to find alternatives, which has been the real problem. I'm going to explain why saturated fat is the ideal food for humans and also why its alternatives including grains, and vegetable oils are the real culprits.

I will also be talking about the dangers of sugar, and many other foods I feel are not optimal.